Daily Archives: 1 11 February 15

Return to Fort Myers

Wednesday, 11 February                                                                        13.6 SM

"FMYB" may be the most accommodating marina in Florida!

“FMYB” may be the most accommodating marina in Florida!

“You guys picked the right night to come in.” This assessment comes from the man who should know, Dockmaster Leif Lustig who adds, “Tonight’s our monthly pot-luck cook-out. There’ll be plenty to eat. Come on up and join us!”

The day already was pretty good, the relaxed pace of the morning morphing into a Tarpon Point departure at 1300 hours. This was by design, SailFlow predicting the brisk northerly would have blown itself out by then.

Leif turns "Grill Master" for the monthly cook-out.

Leif turns “Grill Master” for the monthly cook-out.

The forecast proved true and, after turning to port to re-enter the Okeechobee Waterway, Red pushed Steadfast up river at an easy five-and-half-knots all the way to downtown Fort Myers and a snug slip on F-Dock at the City Yacht Basin. Once all lines were adjusted and the power cord plugged in (for heat to counter overnight lows again dipping into the low 40s), it was time to check in at the office. Another fun surprise awaited.

“You have a credit of eight days on your account,” explained Leif while flipping burgers on the dockside grill. “Last time you were here, you paid for a month but left early, so just pay your electric and you’re good ‘til the 19th.”

Good indeed!  It’s not clear if there’s a bad time to come to the Fort Myers Yacht Basin but if there is, it’s yet to be found.

Steadfast out.

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